Star Tech plus. A Data-Driven Reliable Tech Solution.

Terms & Conditions

We, our, us, our organisation, our company mean here our organisation – ‘Star Tech Plus’

For all blogs, articles, and writings, follow our references

If situations and circumstances are changed, we have the right to amend or cancel the contract at any time.

All blogs, articles, and writings here belong to our organisation – ‘STAR Tech Plus’

No data will be shareable without permission.

You should only use our website if you follow our privacy, cookie policy and terms and conditions.

Star-Tech Plus will remove and block any comments, individuals, or parties if they make any unlawful, abusive, unpleasant, or unethical comments.

Star Tech Plus is not obligated to monitor the information you may post on its Site.

Please follow our separate terms and conditions for recruitment, programmes and services according to the contract. 

Comments and additional material posted by users of our social media do not reflect the statements of Star-tech Plus, nor does Star Tech Plus verify their accuracy.

The opinions and views expressed in any blogs, articles, and writings are the author’s personal opinions.

The facts, assumptions, analysis, and standpoints arising in All blogs, articles, and writings do not reflect the organisation’s views.

All writings and images are reserved for us.

No information provided on this Site shall be considered a substitute for your independent investigation, a license, a commercial offer, or an advisory or professional relationship, where necessary, also between you and Star Tech Plus.

This Site is defended by intellectual property rights including but not limited to the copyright, designs, trademarks, sui generis right of the database producer, etc. and is the sole property of Star-Tech Plus.

Please email us first for anything, any obligations, and complaints, and wait until we reply. Then fill up our contact us form.