Star Tech plus. A Data-Driven Reliable Tech Solution.


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From trainee to lead levels, here at STAR Tech Plus we offer a diverse data and technology programs. Contact us now to explore our wide range of services.

Your Trusted Team of Tech Experts

Star Tech Plus is a reliable company with a group of young talented people with data and tech experts in your every expectation. The group share their thoughts by researching and providing the clients with a better understanding of insight and how to use it.

Your Trusted Team of Tech Experts

Star Tech Plus is a reliable company with a group of young talented people with
data and tech experts in your every expectation

We work with reputed companies. You must work directly with your team leader and manager and present your report. Don’t worry; we will assemble you prepared.

The trainee data analyst – work experience position is suitable for the following criteria(s):

  • Finishing your study and haven’t got any experience
  • Looking for an internship to gain experience
  • Want to develop your existing knowledge
  • Want to change or develop your career as a data analyst/financial analyst/statistical analyst/

If you are interested, contact us at your earliest position.

The Data Analyst Development Programme is appropriate for the following criteria(s):

• Finishing your study and haven’t got any experience
• Looking for an internship to gain experience
• Want to develop your existing knowledge
• Want to change or develop your career as a data analyst/financial analyst/risk analyst/statistical analyst

We work with reputed companies. You must work directly with your team leader and manager and present your report. You have a chance to present your report to stakeholders and shareholders. Don’t worry; we will assemble you prepared.

TheLead Data Analyst Experience Project fits the following criteria(s):

• Finishing your study and haven’t got any experience
• Looking for an internship to gain experience
• Want to develop your existing knowledge
• Want to change and develop your career as a data analyst/financial analyst/risk analyst/statistical analyst/actuarial analyst

We work with reputed companies. You have to work with stakeholders and shareholders directly and present your report. Don’t worry; we will assemble you prepared.

You have to work on a Data Science project with actual data by the R programme with talented young data scientists.

If you are interested and want to know more about the programme, contact us at your earliest position.

Machine Learning Engineer Development Programme

You have to work on a Machine Learning project with actual data by the R or Python programme with talented young machine learning engineers and data scientists.

If you are interested and want to know more about the programme, contact us at your earliest position.

The standard business tech tools and software programmes are Excel, SQL, Google Studio, R, Python in ML, and LaTeX. We are experts with these tools and will certify you.
Get a work experience certificate as a Financial Analyst, Risk Analyst, and Actuarial Analyst with data projects to make you a data-driven decision-maker.
If you are inquisitive and want to know more about those tools & software certification & experience programmes, contact us at your earliest position.

If you are inquisitive and want to know more about Research Programme, contact us at your earliest position. Otherwise, join us directly here or through social media.


We do service with the reputed company and measure the organisation’s risk and train their colleagues. We also advise and supply the right business tools.

We provide technology services to our clients.

Contact us if you are inquisitive and want to know more about them.

If you want to get experience in Business Management, Big Data, Crypto Currencies, ChatGPT, and Programming, contact us as soon as possible.


We accept bank transfers.