Star Tech plus. A Data-Driven Reliable Tech Solution.


Star Tech Plus

We harness the power of statistics and actuarial-based next-generation technology to bring you simply the Statistical Actuarial Technology for the future.

About Us

Empowering The Next Generation

STAR TECH PLUS implies statistics and actuarial-based next-generation technology, simply the Statistical Actuarial Technology for the next generation. At the time, STAR points to a symbol of polymath in our organisation and the brightness for the future. Star Tech Plus provides services for individuals and organisations to train and be certified based on accurate data. Star Tech Plus has all the recourses to offer next-generation services. For this, we created an artificial intelligence (AL) service provider named – Stuart Ackerman.

Who We Are

Your Trusted Team of Tech Experts

Star Tech Plus is a reliable company with a group of young talented people with data and tech experts in your every expectation. The group share their thoughts by researching and providing the clients with a better understanding of insight and how to use it.

Our Services

View Our Services

From trainee to lead levels, here at STAR Tech Plus we offer a diverse data and technology programs. Contact us now to explore our wide range of services.

Data Analyst Programmes

Data Scientist Programmes

Machine Learning Programme

Business Tools & Organisational Services

Contact Us

Get in Touch With Us

Have any queries about our services or need some advice? Feel free to get in touch with us today!

Our Values

STAR Tech Plus Core Values

Our professionalism with passion is the main backbone of our organisation. We believe that professionalism cannot survive a long time without passion. So, we all gathered and adhered to our profession with passion, where our passion gives us the strength to go further ahead. We always are catching up on our services in this competitive era because our profession is our passion.

Our primary research theme is scientific research-centric, where big data play an essential role. In addition, we use mathematical models, statistical techniques, and machine learning methods in our daily work and research. Our team continuously work on different projects involving with advance research. Even the team approaches various scholars throughout their research and services. They are constantly with one analysis to another because this is not only their professional work but also because they have passion in their soul. Additionally, our organisation involves artificial intelligence-centric scientific research in a nutshell.

Client services are the most crucial part of our organisation. So, we continually uphold our clients at the centre of our hearts. We keep the customers at the centre of everything, which makes the customers interact with our team the fastest way. Our client’s relationship with our team represents a positive impression that ensures the individuals, partners, and other alliances will get the best service from our organisation. We kept no other sentence to serve our clients as we did not hold any other choice but to benefit our clients at first.

We are the first organisation to promote hybrid work for our team’s choice and to retain our commitment to climate change. If we can keep a little bit of impact to save our planet by reducing CO2 in this climate change era, then we are proud and pleased to be part of the Govt’s mission for climate change. That’s why we created a virtual headquarter in our team named Turin Office. Technically, the virtually created Turin office reduced CO2 emissions by giving 24/7 services. Our Turin Office symbolises our hybrid work promotion to save our planet by reducing CO2 emissions in this technological era.

Our vision and missions are the main pillars of our organisation, showing the right path to running our organisation. Therefore, we always focus on our vision and work with our organisation. Our vision and mission clarify our work, and the team sticks with these vision and mission statements.

Our Vision

Give The World Data-Driven Technology Services for a Low Cost.

Our Mission

Improve the hybrid services by training the individual and organisation.

Provide the data services to make the individual data-driven decision maker.

Train the organisation's employees to get high-yielding service from them.

Introduce next-generation technology services with competitive prices.

Nobody will be behind in getting the experience of data and technology services.


Mohd Hasan

Data Scientist, Head of Data Science and AI

Mohd Hasan is a Data Scientist at STAR TECH PLUS, leading all kinds of operations to a high level. Mr Mohd is data-driven and technologically minded. He is acting here to analyse data with specialised software and conduct the research process for the next generation. . I completed a BSc (Hons) in Statistics, and a Master of Science degree, MSc in Actuarial Science with a class of Merit from the University of Manchester by performing a research project – ‘Dynamic Pricing in Insurance Modelling’ using Python in Machine Learning. Previously I worked as a Data Analyst, and at a time, I am a versatile professional and data-driven decision-maker, offering experience in finance, risk management, and general insurance. I am a professional member of the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries. I am a DASA (Data & Strategic Analytics) Crew member. I express my thoughts and write articles in Viva (previously Yammer), LinkedIn, and different prominent blogs about data & technologies and research them. I find these data and technology pathways extremely interesting. In addition, I do coding in my spare time. Some of my skills and achievements are as follows:
  • LaTeX, Microsoft Office, SQL, Google Studio, SPSS, FORTRAN, R, and Python for Machine Learning
  • Excel: Formulas, VLOOKUP, Pivot Table
  • Google Data Analytics – Professional Certificate (2021)
  • Machine Learning with Python: A Practical Introduction (2020), IBM (Online-USA)
  • Statistics in Medicine (2013), certificate course, Stanford University (Online-USA)
  • Member of the IFoA – Institute and Faculty of Actuaries
  • Ability to research effectively
  • Natural analytical mindset
  • Strong attention to detail
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